San Diego Argonauts Awards Ceremony Banquet Dinner – A Night to Remember

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the San Diego Argonauts came together for a memorable evening to celebrate another successful year of RC boating and camaraderie. The event, organized and hosted by our new and enthusiastic Top Gun Commodore, Pat Nevitt, who brings fresh energy and vision to the club, set the tone for an exciting year ahead. It took place at the cozy and welcoming Pizza Nova in Point Loma, where members gathered to enjoy great food, good company, and well-deserved recognition for their contributions to the club.

The night kicked off with a warm welcome from the board, followed by a delicious meal that featured Pizza Nova’s signature dishes. Members reminisced about the highlights of the year, including regattas and scale sessions, and enjoyed a funny, touching, and beautifully crafted video by Tom Warren, our Staff Commodore, full of the rich history of the club.

One of the evening’s highlights was the Awards Ceremony, where standout members were recognized for their achievements and contributions.

A particularly special moment of the night was the recognition of Bob Williams for his many years of selfless contributions to the club. Bob has been a cornerstone of the San Diego Argonauts, dedicating his time, effort, and expertise to the growth and success of the club. In honor of his outstanding service, the board proudly awarded Bob with a Lifetime Membership, a heartfelt gesture of gratitude for all he has done. Rich Rogers and Jeff Sparksworthy were also awarded Lifetime Memberships.

The awards, beautifully hand-crafted by Gil Jansky, were met with applause, laughter, and heartfelt words, reflecting the strong bond shared by everyone in the club.

A big thank you to all who attended and made the event so special. Your dedication and enthusiasm continue to make the San Diego Argonauts a vibrant and welcoming community.

Here’s to another year of RC boating, friendship, and fun!

San Diego Argonauts Annual General Membership Meeting

Fellow Argonauts,

We’re excited to announce the rescheduled date for our Annual General Membership Meeting. Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 8, at 10:30 AM, taking place at the pond.

The 10:30 AM start time ensures that our Scale members can join us after their session. Following the meeting, we’ll jump right into the Points Races for Soling 50 and ODOM classes.

Bring a chair and come prepared to hear updates on a variety of club-related topics. We’ll also open the floor for a discussion, so feel free to share any ideas, suggestions, or questions you may have.

Your participation is vital to the continued success and growth of our club. We look forward to seeing you there!

If you would like to review our recent Board Meeting Minutes before this meeting, you can read them here on our Membership page (at the bottom).

See you at the pond!

– The San Diego Argonauts Board

DF95 Tuning & Race Performance Clinic

Saturday Jan. 4 the San Diego Argonauts were honored to have Jess Atkinson conduct the 2025 DF95 Tuning & Race Performance Clinic. This is the first in a series of seminars designed to help with tuning and racing practice. In short, an effort to raise the bar of sailing in our pond.. 

Photo Courtesy, Ben Reeve

Jess started the clinic with a step-by-step setup procedure for the DF95, sharing race proven setting that will put your boat in perfect balance for speed on the race course. Skippers asked numerous detailed questions and it was apparent this was valuable information for even the seasoned R/C sailor. The group also included a new R/C Sailing member.. Welcome John!

After the tuning portion 16 eager skippers, with well tuned rigs, headed to the water for starting drill practice. The challenge.. a 30 second start clock. A tight starting line. A very short weather leg. Up and back as fast as you can. With NO touching other boats! You touch..two boats out.. A great drill! Now do that 25 times..

Jess also discussed numerous strategies to get the most out of your boat on the water, course positioning while racing, how to avoid getting in the tough spots and how to get out.. One of the final water practices was the 360 drill. Fast tacks and jibes to stay in the race even if you foul.  A Fantastic Day! Thank You Jess!

Photo Courtesy, Ben Reeve
Special thanks to others that helped make this Tune Up Day happen:

Chris Davidson

Dennis Rodgers

Keith Sternal

Jason Brooks 

Chris Staiger

Jon Rogers

There’s an IOM Tuning and Race Performance Clinic on the calendar for Saturday, February 1.

Don’t miss this opportunity to tune up for the 2025 AMYA Region 8 Championship Regatta!

Smooth Sailing, Gil