July 20th Points

The strongest winds of the year greeted our IOM and DF95 Fleets for July 20th Point Racing. Tropical moisture and heat made the winds feel heavier with some very turbulent gusts and direction changes. Several ‘Submarines’ were spotted. Thanks to RD Scotty Harris who took advantage of the strong winds to set Long Courses.

The winds didn’t slacken for the DF95 Fleet, but continued nearly straight down the pond with a slight northerly component. A combination of Medium and Long Courses were run by RD Chris Staiger.

July 15 Points-IOM & DF95

July 15 Club Points attracted a nice group of skippers eager to sample some beautiful Mission Bay summer weather. The sea breeze cooperated most of the day with fairly consistent wind in the 3-8mph range.

Chris Staiger manned our skiff and set marks to accommodate a light onshore breeze. He also served as our volunteer Race Director for our IOM fleet. During the skippers meeting crews agreed to sailing a gate, as apposed to our reaching leg, opening up more opportunities for our medium course. Good work Chris!

Mike Fruciano was our volunteer Race Director for the DF95 fleet, along with scoring assistant Ken Titilah. Thank you for your help.

July 6th Points…

Warm winds from the South required RD Pat Nevitt to set a Modified Olympic Course diagonally southwest across the pond for the Soling 50 Fleet. After the 3rd Race Break, the winds moved more southwesterly allowing Pat to set a (mostly) standard medium course:

While some massive holes remained, the winds trended more westerly for the Odom Fleet. RD Keith Sternal ran a series of medium courses for our largest Odom turnout of the year: