The Scale Boat Division of the San Diego Argonauts is hosting a regatta!
Date: Starts 10:00am on Saturday, June 20, 2015
Location: San Diego Model Yacht Pond — Vacation Isle in Mission Bay
(Approximate address is 100 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109)
1) Navigation Course
2) Fun Noodle Round Up Challenge
3) Lunch: $10 for food & drinks
4) Trading Tables: Bring your extra boats & parts
5) Raffle! (must be present to win)
Details: We’re reviving scale boat regattas in San Diego! A family-friendly event located in the jewel of Vacation Isle Park. Free parking. Park on north side of the pond. Additional parking southeast of the pond. Bring your own table & chair.
RSVP is not necessary. However, a headcount is always helpful. Feel free to e-mail David Alvarez dalvarez2@san.rr.com with questions or to let us know you’ll be joining.
More info: www.SanDiegoArgonauts.com or www.Facebook.com/SanDiegoArgonauts
This event was a total success! Check out photos from our regatta here.
Download flyer
[gview file=”https://www.sandiegoargonauts.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Regatta-Poster-Flyer-Sponsored.pdf”]