Newsletter – January 2015 – Volume 56 Issue #1- “Revised”
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Newsletter – January 2015 – Volume 56 Issue #1- “Revised”
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Here is one of those moments in which human creativity and nature’s beauty converge to create something stunning…and God smiles.
On January 8, 2015, the Scale Boat Division of the San Diego Argonauts had an evening “mini Parade of Lights” on the San Diego Model Yacht Pond. You’ll see a variety of scale RC model boats & ships. Some are lit up with their on-board lighting systems, navigation lights, etc. Others are embellished with Christmas lights, UL wire, and other creative lighting ideas. Notice the party going on inside the cabin of the “Dread Yacht” and the way Ken Wilson’s flood lights illuminate his trawler’s rigging. And in case anyone was wondering, that was “Teapot” with its awesome little Christmas tree. This even was a new favorite, and I look forward to many more.
Boats present in order of appearance:
1) White Star Billings Boats kit built by Ryan Johnson
2) Neptune Cargo Ship Graupner kit built by Don & Ryan Johnson
3) Bristol Bay (Aquacraft RTR) kit bashed by Ken Wilson
4) Teapot kitbashed/custom Midwest steam launch by Rich Perelli ???
5) Fire Rescue 17 (Aquacraft RTR) customized by David Alvarez
6) Steam Trawler scratch built (1:96 scale) by David Manley
7) Army Tug built by Ken Taylor
8) Steam Tug scratch built (1:96 scale) by David Manley
9) Dread Yacht scratch built / Victor 32 hull (1:96 scale) by David Manley
10) Navy tug “Odin” Lindberg kit originally built by Lew Johnson, reworked by “Little Dave”
11) Helen Trawler Artesania Latina Kit built by David Alvarez
12) Coast Guard Rescue built by Don & Ryan Johnson
13) Seguin Tugboat Midwest kit (1:48 scale) by Ken Wilson, reworked by Mark Weber
14) USS Tawasa ATF-92 scratch built (1:96 scale) by David Manley Tugboat
15) Karl Tugboat (Schottelschlepper Karl) built by Will Ottermeir
Come join us on a Saturday morning at the San Diego Model Boat Pond.
Here’s the extended version of the above video:
Once every three years the Sail Division puts on a national event. This year we will be having 7 classes of RC sail boats all competing for national championships.
Here is the calendar for the event.
Its going to be a busy year!
Tom Gardner – Director of Sail
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Happy New Year to everyone,
Our annual Awards dinner will be at Fiddler’s Green; Jan 24th at 6 pm. Please fill out your Invitation and return to LON who will be collecting the funds and letting the restaurant know our person count. Instructions are on the invitation.Download
Hope to see you there!
Tom Gardner – Argonauts-Director of Sail.
Download: Invitation Form
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